An Overview of Toothaches in Children

15 Nov, 2021 | Phillip Smith | No Comments

An Overview of Toothaches in Children

children dental health

If your kid is afraid of having a dental checkup, it’s time to take some bold decisions to handle the situation. It is understood that children are always afraid of visiting dentists. So, parents need to work hard to motivate their kids for a dental checkup. Finding children dental health is easy, but taking them to the clinic is difficult.

Regardless of visiting dental clinics, the best thing is to know the toothaches in children. How do you find toothaches? There are so many dental problems that children face these days. It is your responsibility to fix things by getting in touch with dentists and understanding the problems.

No doubt, it is a time-consuming activity to deal with toothaches. Let’s read some common points and causes behind toothaches in children!


Teething seems to be the leading cause that children face in their daily routine. Gum swelling is a common example when we talk about teething.

Dental Decay

Are you familiar with the term dental decay? It is also a common problem that children face between the ages of five and thirteen. It happens due to eating chocolates and sweets that ultimately causes problems with kids. Among all diseases, dental decay is so irritating that it can be fixed with oral dental care.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is also a major problem that many children face these days. It causes bleeding and causes eating issues. It leads to periodontitis when parents ignore this problem. Adults also face these issues, but children become the victim of this problem so often. If you want to stop the bleeding, it is better to consult a dentist. Children’s dental health is so important, so never ignore it.

Loose Tooth

A loose tooth is an understood problem. It causes pain during eating, so one should fix this problem earlier. Most probably, it becomes a lengthy problem when you delay the dental treatment. Never ever delay the treatment whenever you face toothache. In case your tooth is lost, you are allowed to take any risk.

Dental Abscess

It is a dental problem that children face rarely. It happens when bacteria attack your teeth and cause several problems.

children dental health

Broken Tooth

A broken tooth is also a concern that should be taken seriously. If you have a broken tooth, it is better to go for a filling as early as possible.


Periodontitis is also a serious children’s dental Pretoria problem that should be handled timely and carefully. It causes plaque and you often face loss of alveolar bone.