How Cryotherapy And Thermotherapy Help To Heal?

22 Aug, 2019 | Stephen Andersen | No Comments

How Cryotherapy And Thermotherapy Help To Heal?

 A person’s body temperature can tell a lot about the state the person is it. In fact, some diseases can only be diagnosed if the temperature is higher or lower than usual, for example, fever. The optimal temperature of our body is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and if it changes from this to any lower or higher temperature, the body won’t work properly. The harm can be as fatal as clotting the blood. This is why different therapies are formed to keep the temperature in check. There are two types of therapies, cryotherapy and thermotherapy, also referred to as cold and hot therapy respectively. These therapies may not seem right but they do have their tested benefits.

Cryotherapy and thermotherapy are basically designed to relieve pain from inflammation and other bruises. It increases or decreases; depending on what type of treatment you are going for, the body temperature making the system to work a little differently. This helps in improved detoxification system which is the result of better blood circulating throughout the body and other organs making them work better. The blood regulation also benefits in maintaining body temperature. Skin clears up by detox blood, blood sugar regulations improve a lot and of course, the inflammation and pain reduces by a lot of degrees. The result of this practice makes the person more relaxed which gives a night of better and continuous sleep. This stress revealing practice calms you down physically and emotionally, giving a more open feeling. Also the immune and nervous system improves due to the better working condition of the body without anything occupied by the mind.

Cryotherapy heals you by using the cold temperature. The temperature isn’t that cold as people think it is and only falls down to a few minus degrees which are important for it. Most people tend to stay stressed quite a lot which affects the blood flow which sometimes results as headaches. This therapy is most likely for people who are extremely over-thinker and analyzers as it mainly focuses on relieving stress. On the other hand, thermotherapy, also known as sauna therapy heals you by heat-sealed in a room. This method also relieves stress but it mostly focuses on maintaining the blood flow. The high temperature is caused by the panels which still give you enough heat to make your blood flow better. This therapy is only tolerable for those who can hold high temperature and same goes for cold temperature cryotherapy.