Improvement of Residential Care

17 Aug, 2018 | Riley Chidley | No Comments

Improvement of Residential Care

The improve Resident care or personal care homes aim to provide long-term personalized service to a small group of adults. Depending on the needs of residents they provide lodging, meal services and assistance with daily activities such as personal hygiene, walking, eating etc. People suffering from disabilities, mental health issues, learning difficulties, dementia or who are frail aged often care in residential cares rather than their own homes.


Residential care has been the subject of ignorance for a long period of time. Recent studies have proved the activities of residential care to be highly insufficient and inadequate for the residents. Terrible scenes of verbal abuse, physical violence, and neglect have made families afraid to move their loved ones to care homes, potentially denying them vital support. Stories are dreadful enough that a rational person might conclude that the only ultimate solution is not to grow old.

Early investigations and inspections have revealed the poor conditions in elderly care considering a “serious lack of leadership”. Also, the availability of knowledge, skills, and care workers in nursing homes are ill-matched to the care needs of the resident. Staff, owners, commissioners, and CQC (Care Quality Commission) have turned a blind eye to the issues that matter most in adult social care.

However, strong measures must be taken to improve the quality of residential care.

Professional Training and Education

Education and training courses produce highly skilled professionals who can provide quality care and better services. The health and education ministry should draw up an action plan for education and training for the caretakers.

Residential Aged Care Management Support

Residential care should be staffed by professionals who take pride in their work and provide compassionate services. Residential care should make sure that their staff have the right mix of training and experience and are able to provide both the physical and emotional support to the residents.

Innovation Program

Nursing homes are always inclined to make changes so as to provide better and compassionate services but the rules and regulations or the culture of institution always stand in their way. So they should introduce new ways to deliver patient-center care like social activities.


We are not the only solution but in fact, the part of a solution. Neither society is the only solution nor can inspection guarantee safe and effective aged care. Our focus regarding the provision of services must be explicit. We have to monitor what is happening, listen to people and their families and respond when concerns are raised.